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Behind The Facade - Real Estate Podcast

Jul 25, 2023

Episode 168 - this week I cover the Irish building energy rating (BER) and the UK's energy performance certificate (EPC) and just how much attention you should be paying to the level your asset has achieved - I hope you enjoy!


If you have any guest...

Jul 18, 2023

Episode 167 - my guest this week is Mary Conway, Chairperson of the Irish Property Owners Association IPOA, owner of Janus Estates which provides property management, agency and letting services to landlords.  She is also a senior move management specialist - I hope you enjoy!


Jul 11, 2023

Episode 166 - today I record the episode whilst in the middle of moving to a new family home, there is so much to do and coordinate I had no time to get to my office for the fancy recording mics so apologies in advance for the audio and the short episode, back to normal next week - I hope you enjoy!

My new course:

Jul 3, 2023

Episode 165 - today we cover the topic of Resilience which I spoke about at my recent keynote talk in London.  I also cover a piece of news which directly impacts a good friend of mine - I hope you enjoy!

If you have any guest suggestions or topics you'd like covered on the show please send an email...