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Behind The Facade - Real Estate Podcast

Jun 27, 2023

Episode 164 - my guest this week is Michaela Wain from Bolton in the UK, she is one of the few women in the UK construction sector enjoying success.  In todays show we dive into why it is such a male dominated sector and look at what is working for the construction owners who understand sales and marketing - I hope you...

Jun 20, 2023

Episode 163 - today we are looking at the ways in which the workplace is changing.  I am noticing not so subtle shifts in the way the office is being used and the changes being made to the design and layout of the physical spaces.  Let me know if I left anything out. I hope you enjoy!


Jun 13, 2023

Episode 162 - this is part 1 of a 3 part series where I take a deep dive into the habits and behaviours of a successful investor, with a particular focus on the all important difference between having resources versus being resourceful.  We also take a look at how and why we should brainstorm along with who we...

Jun 6, 2023

Episode 161 - this week I am covering a topic that has resonated with many of the people who have joined my program that come from a construction backgound, that is making the transition from full time builder to a builder-investor with a property portfolio - I hope you enjoy!

If you have any guest suggestions or topics...